About Gabriel

Gabriel Woolf presents his wide range of Literary and Musical programmes across the English-speaking world, which has included twelve of the States of North America. In Britain, every major and many minor Festivals have presented his programmes, solo, duo and with ensembles. Music clubs, literary societies, theatres, arts centres, schools and barns have all provided venues. As a broadcaster he has written plays and documentaries, and performed in hundreds of programmes, and he has chosen, edited and read more than forty major novels, including all of George Eliot’s.

He won the Gold Medal at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art and starring in film and television – he will forever be known to millions of Doctor Who fans worldwide as both Sutekh the Destroyer in the 1975 story Pyramids of Mars, and as The Beast in the 2006 episodes The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit.

As Narrator, he has worked with some of the finest orchestras here and abroad, performing The Soldier’s Tale, Carnival of Animals, The Snowman, The Oxford Elegy, King David, Barbar, Peter and the Wolf, Kol Nidrei, Enoch Arden and Facade.